Hello World!

My name is Mike Copanos and I am a frontend devloper ready to tackle projects and make beautiful, useable websites.


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As a frontend web devloper I stay up to date with todays technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. I also enjoy working with JS libraries like JQuery and React.


I started with online resources and books. Later in my path I was blessed to recieve a Grow with Google Scholarship to a Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree with Udacity.

Giving Back

I love giving back what I have learned. In my area we have a Meetup group that once a year we choose a non-forprofit to help with an app idea that helps the orginazation help our local commity.

React google map project

Google Map React Project

This is a single page app using React and Google Map to display the Chicago area showing the top parks to visit. With map markers and display windows, this will give you locations of the most popular parks in the Chicago area. All photos and information is used via Foursquare API.

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Memory Game Project

This is a memory game project from my front-end Udacity course. The object of the game is to flip cards and match them. This game is also going to test your memory in a fun way.

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Mock Up Site

This project design was created by the wonderful people at Mostly Serious. To get some practice in they let me use some of their older designs that were not used in production. I myself did not design this project. This was not their exact content, I just use the page layout and added dummy content.

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My Unexpected Journey

This project is a blogging website that I made for a friend, also for me to get experince with a back-end frameworks and databases. This was build using Craft CMS which runs off of PHP and a SQL database. This live site and the code is not public. I however have a link to a simular project.

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